Setting Goals Helps You Make Today's Decisions

by Judy Camp

We all want to achieve success. The first step is setting goals, whether that means higher sales, attempting to solve an office problem, or getting healthy. Goal setting can help in time management and productivity issues, since this type of planning helps you focus your priorities...

The first step to setting your goals should be, surprisingly, to jump to the end. Visualize where you want to end up in, say, five years. There are no limits now, so you can picture yourself at your ideal weight or your company at the top of your industry. Take your time and visualize as many details as possible.

Slowly drop back from that five-year goal and set smaller projections for various time increments in between. At this point, try to determine what resources you might need. This may mean hiring new people, taking classes, or buying software or equipment You may decide to try to take steps to reduce stress, for example, in order to pave the way for the future.

Limiting negative word patterns is important. Refuse to believe the little voice inside your head—or the voice of an associate—that says, It can't be done. I can't handle it. We don't deserve it.

Expect excellence in the long run, but assume you will have some temporary setbacks. Don't let them stop your momentum and enthusiasm for what you hope to achieve. Finally, give the people involved the credit they deserve.

You'll get many benefits from this type of planning. Once your future is set, the decisions you need to make on a daily basis will become clearer choices. When you know where you are headed in the long run, you'll have less chance of taking a wrong turn. You'll be more focused on your current objectives, confident you are doing the right thing. You'll also have less anxiety and more time and energy for the next project at hand.


Judy Camp is the author of the book, Find Time for What You Love, which contains dozens of ways to find extra time in each day, and to find ways to spend that time that will catapult you toward your ideal life!

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